The Quick Ways to Clean a Chandelier

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Chandeliers add glamour and grace to a room because of their innate beauty and intricate design. The greater the intricacy of the design, the greater the beauty and the more a chandelier adds to the décor of a room. But that is where the problem lies. The more intricate and eye catching it is, the more dirt and grime on it will be noticed. Cleaning a chandelier can be one of the most difficult aspects of house cleaning, but there are some short cuts you can take to make the job much easier. Please note that what is suggested here will not take the place of disassembling a chandelier and cleaning it piece by piece, but is enough to remove surface dirt and keep it looking clean and nice.
There are two quick ways of cleaning a chandelier - the wet and dry methods.
The fasts way is the wet method. For this you will need a step ladder, plastic sandwich bags, rubber bands, a tarpaulin, and chandelier cleaner or any other cleaning spray which will drip dry without leaving any marks.
Here's how to go about it:
- Make sure the chandelier is off and the bulbs are cool
- Spread the tarpaulin on the floor below the chandelier so that it will catch any liquid that drips off
- Set up the ladder so that it is stable and you can reach the chandelier easily
- Climb up the ladder and fit a sandwich bag over each bulb, using a rubber band to tightly secure the bags below each bulb
- Spray the complete chandelier with the cleaning spray. Use it liberally to cover every surface
- Wait till the cleaning fluid stop dripping and carefully gather up the tarp, making sure nothing spills on the floor
- You're done.
If you don't have or don't want to use a cleaning spray, you can do a dry clean. For this you will need glass cleaner and a few soft microfiber cloths.
- As in the wet cleaning, place the tarp to catch any dirt that may fall from the chandelier, make sure it is off and the bulbs are cool and set up the ladder.
- Start working from the top of the chandelier and move down.
- Spray the glass cleaner on one of the cloths and wipe a piece of glass.
- Use another piece of cloth to wipe the dirt off and polish the glass.
- Change the cloths as they become dirty
Whichever way you go about it, you will have a clean chandelier in far less time that you thought possible so you can then relax or go on to some other aspect of house cleaning.